occasional series
on mountaineering tips
developed by CMC
Member Tom Ritchie
and published in the
CMC Newsletter in 2002
and 2003.
that winter has arrived
I am reminded of long
days of tent incarceration
while storms raged
outside. To make your
sentence more bearable
consider adding these
items to your kit.
Ear plugs. Anyone who has
spent an endless night
in a tent anchored on a
ridge line in a gale knows
sleep is impossible without
them. Invariably, one disappears
during the night. It’s
dark. Finding the missing
orb in the folds of your
down cocoon as you twist
and turn in the cacophony
is impossible. You soon
find the remaining plug
does not reduce the volume
of the constant staccato
of your flapping tent by
50%. I recommend ear plugs
that are connected by about
2 feet of fishing line.
I have found them in lawnmower
repair shops and home repair
Centers. When one escapes
during the night its capture
is assured without fumbling
for your head lamp and
letting all that frigid
air rush into your warm
Speaking of ears, I always
have a couple Q-tips in
my first aid kit. If you
are a scofflaw who arrogantly
ignores written safety
warnings on packages -
a risk taker who tears “do
not remove” tags
off furniture cushions – then
bravely disregarding the
prohibition on the Q-tip
box not to place them in
your ears. You will find
that inserting one of these
implements into your auditory
orifice after a week or
two on an expedition will
be heavenly. You will also
be appalled by what you
Winter poses special problems
for feet. Plastic boots
do not breathe. Liners
get wet and are hard to
dry. You may even use vapor
barrier socks. After a
wet week with no sun you
finally unwrap your feet.
They look like a colorized
version of the World War
I photo in your high school
hygiene text of a dough-boy’s
feet submerged for days
in the mud at the bottom
of a trench. Consider packing
some foot powder to prevent
mountaineer’s trench
foot. I pack mine in a
film canister with one
of those plastic tops used
to convert them to salt
and pepper shakers. It
makes powdering those dogs
All these items are small
and light but can provide
great dividends on long
winter trips. They might
push the weight of Bob
Rockwell’s winter
pack into double digit
pounds, but for the rest
of us I think they are
worth considering.
high - sleep
low, Tom
Ritchie. |

Continuing the theme
of small and light
items for your winter
kit, consider:
spend a long night
suffering the steadily
accelerating demand
of your well-hydrated
body to get up and
find some relief?
Although you'd gladly
swap all your Diamox
for a pee bottle,
no one brought one.
They just take up
too much precious
space in a winter
pack. Waiting in
the dark while ground
snow batters the
tent and your sphincter
screams you weigh
the options. Can
I remain engorged
until morning? (Bad
gamble!) Should I
suit up and enter
the nocturnal freezer
that I know is just
beyond my tent's
zipper? (But it's
almost morning!)
Maybe commandeer
my sleeping tent
mate's water bottle?
(Bad idea - he'll
never become so hypoxic
that he'll believe
it's Gatorade.) The
solution - a zip
lock. They don't
take up any space
in your pack and
are easy to use.
I am told that the
other sex finds them
easier to use than
the traditional pee
bottle. I don't know.
All my generous offers
to help hold such
a zip lock have been
of unwanted moisture,
consider packing
a small sponge. It's
a good way to clean
up the melted snow
someone (it's never
you) kicked into
the tent. Using a
sponge is more neighborly
than dabbing at the
puddles with your
tent mate's sleeping
bag. You can even
wipe the melting
hoar frost off the
tent ceiling as the
morning sun reaches
your tent.
Ever notice
that once your aluminum
shovel blade becomes
super cooled the
friction caused by
jamming the blade
into snow causes
the snow next to
the blade to melt
and refreeze? Snow
then sticks to your
shovel making hard
work, particularly
at altitude, even
harder. Once while
shoveling a tent
platform I noticed
that the snow just
flew off R.J.'s shovel.
Every time his shovel
took a bite it was
with the ease of
a warm knife cutting
through butter. His
secret? Glide wax.
Just coat the aluminum
blade with a hard
cross-country ski
glide wax.
high - sleep low.
Tom Ritchie.
start with a couple “old-timer” tips
on getting traction
in winter’s
slippery environment.
Way back in the “Golden
Age of Alpinism”,
I’m talking B.C.1 ,
when 60 major peaks
in the Alps were climbed
for the first time
in one decade, hob
nailed boots provided
limited purchase on
ice for those that
could afford them.
Boots with a leather
or hard rubber sole
could turn a hard day’s
climb up an icy chimney
into endless night.2
faced with this problem
on cold days would
simply pull on an old
pair of baggy wool
socks over their boots.
Something to remember
when faced with crossing
an exposed icy slab
without crampons.
Wool socks and duct
tape may get you across
that traverse.
one of the climbing
skins for your skis
can be a real drag.
Hopping up hill on
one leg using the skinned
ski is a poor solution.
A better solution is
a length of 3 mm or
5 mm perlon which may
just save the day.
Put a knot on a bight
in the middle of the
cord forming a loop
just large enough to
slide over the tail
of your ski. Tighten
the loop just behind
the heel plate and
then weave, knotting
the rope top and bottom
around the ski, until
you can cinch it tight
at the toe piece.
You just turned your
ski into a snowshoe.
No glide but it will
climb great.
Old four season
tents had zippers in
the floor for cook
During storms I miss
that feature in newer
models. Although
tents today come with
large vestibules it
is always awkward leaning
out to cook. Besides,
that space quickly
fills up with packs
and boots. Consider
installing a 36" zipper
in a half circle in
the floor of your tent.
You can sit upright
in front of your warm
stove fully protected
from the weather.
Wind screens are unnecessary.
Spills disappear in
the snow. Install the
zipper next to the
main entrance. Not
only does that allow
you to leave a vent
at the top of the door
for steam to escape,
but you’ll
have a handy opening
if your stove flares
up and you need to
quickly jettison the
flaming bomb from your
shelter. Remember,
single wall tents may
not meet flame retardant
guidelines. Be careful.
Almost all quality
tent manufacturers
have repair departments
that will install floor
zippers. I had one
installed in my dome
by The North Face.
Crampons. 2Find the
name of a Beatles album
and movie in this sentence
for a free door prize
ticket at the next
member meeting. 3And
other things that are
equally difficult outside
during a storm.
Climb high
- sleep low. Tom
while tent bound waiting
out a storm, having
exhausted the two usual
topics, the discussion
turned to all the climbing
gadgets available today. It
became apparent that
we have become dependent
upon these toys – particularly
rappel devices. If
traveling light and
faced with a rappel
without a figure 8
or an ATC, is your
only option a slow
down climb? I
thought a review of
a few ways to improvise
rappel devices with
minimal equipment might
be of interest.
if you only have two
carabineers to work
with? Of
course you can always
pull a bight of rope
through one carabineer
and use the second
carabineer as a brake
bar. Not recommended.
The force placed on
the gate by the ‘biner
used as a brake bar
could result in a gate
failure with direr
consequences. The system
should be avoided,
if possible, unless
constructed with four
carabineers with gates
there is a second lesser
known way to rig two ‘biners
as a rappel device.
Clip one ‘biner
to your harness or
diaper sling. Facing
the anchor pull a bight
through the ‘biner
from the bottom to
the top. Next,
clip the second ‘biner
around both the rope
leading to the anchor
and the line on the
bight closest to the
anchor. Bring
the ‘biners together
by taking the slack
out of the bight. You
are now set to back
off that cliff. Do not use
this system on an overhang
or when you cannot
maintain steady pressure
on the system.
if you only have one
carabineer available?
You can still improvise
a rappel device using
the dreaded brake bar
principle. A brake
bar on a single carabineer
should only be used
in an emergency due
to the possibility
of a gate failure.
With only one ‘biner
in your arsenal the
secret is to utilize
other objects that
are available for the
brake bar. A small
piton will work. Small
angles are particularly
good. You can also
use an ice screw. Clip
the eye of the piton
or old style ice screw
to the gate to keep
the brake bar in place. I
have also seen the
wood handle of a Chouinard
piton hammer used as
a brake bar. Remember, “Necessity
is the mother of invention”.
If you are stuck with
fabricating a rappel
device that puts pressure
on the gate of a carabineer,
I recommend wrapping
the trailing end of
the rope around your
waist and dropping
it between your legs
where you place your
brake hand to provide
some extra body friction
for a “catch” in
the event of an equipment
failure. If you are
using the ‘biner
clipped to your harness
in the braking system
caution must be used
to prevent the rope
from running against
the tie in loop on
your harness. The friction
could melt the tie-in
loop, freeing the rappel
rope and system from
your harness.
WARNING. Rappelling
is extremely dangerous
and may lead to severe
injury or even death. Gaining
an adequate apprenticeship
in constructing appropriate
rappelling devices
is your own responsibility. You
personally assume
all risks and responsibilities
for all damage, injury
or death which may
occur from constructing
or using any rappel
device described
in this article.
high - sleep low.
Tom Ritchie
rice syrup as an alternative
to Gu
Various versions of “power
food” have made
their appearance over
the last decade, with
the most recent trend
being a gel-type of
concoction. (Some hardcore
alpinists such as Mark
Twight swear by the
stuff.) It may keep
your legs pumping on
a long climb, but it
can also empty your
wallet in a hurry as
well - it’s expensive.
if you look at the
ingredients on a Clif
bar or Clif Shot (the
Clif version of Gu)
see the main ingredient
in each is brown rice
syrup. You can buy
a good size jar of
brown rice syrup in
the baking section
of many grocery stores
for about $2.50 - vastly
cheaper than individual
shots of commercial
power gel. Get a small
plastic bottle from
an outdoor store, pour
the syrup in, and take
it along on your next
climb or hike. For
real haute climbing
cuisine, you can add
various flavorings
or spices to it (vanilla,
cinnamon, Kahlua?)
to jazz it up a little.
Note: It’s good
practice to experiment
with new food or gear
on a day hike before
you commit to a climb
with it.
Thanks to Bonnie Van
Domelen for contributing
to this tip. The above “tip” was
taken from the Mazamas
web site at www.mazamas.org
which generally includes
a Tip of the Week.
Climb high - sleep
low. Tom Ritchie
your hands warm in
the cold air found
on long slogs up the
high peaks of Alaska
or South America can
be difficult. Gripping
the cold metal head
of your ice axe only
exacerbates the problem
by rapidly sucking
the heat from your
hand through your thick
mittens. On a long
traverse you can’t
even switch the axe
from your numb uphill
hand to give it a chance
to re-warm. The solution
- cut and fold a thin
piece of insulite over
the head of your axe
and secure it with
non-absorbent tape.
Leave the pick and
adze exposed and cut
a hole for the leash
tie in. Neoprene is
also an option. Your
hands will thank you.
Ever been tied into
the middle of a rope
and come upon a running
belay - maybe at an
icy section - maybe
by headlamp so you
can’t see how
solid your ropemates
are? You start to unclip
the lead rope so you
can clip the trailing
rope after you pass
the protection. In
your hypoxic state
you stare at the lead
rope running through
that single carabineer.
Has the leader put
in more protection?
How critical is this
piece to the entire
rope team? How long
will it take me to
get past this ‘ biner
and reclip? You think
to yourself “I
wish there was a way
to get past this piece
without unclipping.” Well
there is. Grab both
the leading and trailing
ropes with your trailing
hand just below the
tie-in knot. Slide
your hand away from
the knot. Take the
bight you have just
formed between the
tie-in knot and your
hand and clip it (both
ropes) into the ‘ biner
with your tie-in knot
on the lead side of
the protection. There
are now three (3) ropes
running through the ‘ biner – which
like magic will become
just the trailing rope
as the slack is taken
out of the lead rope.
Climb high
- sleep low. Tom
Page created:
February 7, 2006 |