Mt. Thingchinkhang, Sikkim, India - 19,718'
October 2007
By: Tom Ritchie
In October of 2007 CMC member Bruce Kocka organized an expedition to climb Thingchinkhang, a 19,718’ (6010m) peak in the Himalayan range that includes Kanchanjunga, the world’s third highest peak. Thingchinkhang, located in Sikkim , India , had never been climbed by an American. Bruce was joined by CMC member Tom Ritchie and the late Ric DeVan on the joint Indian/American expedition. The slide show starts with a picture of the one mile vertical south face of Thingchinkhang, followed by a jeep ride to Yuksam in Sikkim, a 4 day trek to establish base camp at 14,200’, advance base camp at 16,400’, camp 1 at 17,400’, the climb to the summit, and ends with the American climbers Tom, Ric and Bruce relaxing at 10,000’ after their successful summit. Photographs by Tom Ritchie and Ric DeVan.
Click the image below for a video clip of this trip.
*Note - approx. 18MB file size, may take a few minutes to download

Page updated on
September 30, 2009